Wednesday, August 23, 2023

The Way We See

 I see it one way,  you see it another way. Nothing can be truer than when we look at still images. Different details catch attention of different people.

Here is the image. Let's  title it "Family Festivities", and analyze the hack out of it - it is a fun activity after all. 

What will be noticed first: Obviously it is someone's birthday! There is a balloon and the a card and small muffins with the candles. Wait, those are not muffins, those are two halves of a lemon with candles sick out of them. Why?

For some reason a guest of honour  doesn't have a cake. Most likely only a grown up wouldn't want to have a cake on such day. So, the birthday is for the adult person. Hm.

Then if the number of the candles indicates years passed and there are ten candles, five in each half, it will be someone's fifty fifth birthday. 

Now there a card, and it has the writing in German with handwritten English translation - so the setting is probably in foreign land for an English speaker.

The balloon. It is in the shape of a heart - which indicates that the quest of honor is dear to a celebrant heart.

Does the plant at the background, along with the figurines bear any importance? Probably not, since the title of the image is "Family Festivities" and the main objects are displayed on the little table.

What about the poster on the wall? It looks like it was purposefully included in the shot, since with different angle it could have been easily avoided. So, let's see.. It reads "The Immortality Game"  Ted Cross. What can it be?  Favorite author?

Oh, there is something on the foreground, under the table. A present?

Now here we have it - a 55th birthday of an English speaking person who doesn't want cake , likes "The Immortality Game", lives in a German speaking country and will receive 

If to put this image on any social media most people will see the most obvious - someone birthday and will follow with birthday wishes. If to send it to private recipients  they most likely notice the the halves of the lemon and after birthday wished will ask for explanation.  If one puts it in a gallery - someone, professional critic perhaps, can read into it even more than I did. Just saying...

We all notice different things.

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