Saturday, October 2, 2021


 Every October seems like a start of my personal New Year. It carries with itself the date of my birth and the date of my mother's passing. The celebration tingled with sadness, pretty much how autumn itself. 

These past few years it also feels as if I am going through the process of re-birth. There is a new openness and fluidity in my body, the feeling of being light and tall - the lengthening of the spine. There is an acute sense that the old patterns are not quiet working, the previous wants don't carry an appeal - something new is emerging but hasn't yet taken full shape. There is also a  sense of  balance - fragile and stable at the same time. And when I loose it to the waves of fear or anxiety - I simply return to breathing, and drawing, and looking for the signs that all will be ok. The signs that I am searching for are cranes or egrets. Magically, they usually appear - either in real life or in signs, photographs, or books. And, if not? If not, I simply draw them myself..


"Found here and there"

"All will be well"

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