Friday, August 28, 2020

Timeless Images

 Rome is one of the cities where the art of centuries ago surrounds you, one just simply exists with it day in and day out. It can be a sign on the wall, showing the level of a flood,  a statue around the corner, that you come upon to without looking for it,  a small water spout for which you will be grateful in the summer heat. And of course there are paintings...

 I marvel how timeless some of the images are - you look at the face of a woman that lived 200 years ago and notice that the way she  arranged her hair is the way that numerous women wear it now, including myself. Serene gaze is harder to come by, but this is just the trapping of the modern living.

Rafael, Head of a Muse, 1510-1511

Raffaello, Testa di Musa

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