Thursday, September 14, 2017

"Trace" Ai WeiWei exhibition

"Trace", an exhibition of Ai Weiwei a Chinese artist and political activist, is on display in the Hirshhorn museum. Ai Weiwei  has been exploring the theme of free speech and expression throughout  his career. In "Trace" he created Lego portraits of 176 people who were imprisoned for their political views, which were often expressed in peaceful manner. Those 176 people belong to different countries but are all our contemporaries united by one desire - being able to express their views freely and without fear of punishment. Just recently, while walking the streets of DC, we discussed the difference between propaganda and politicized art. My son offered a very good formula, " Propaganda tells you what to believe, while political art creates a platform where one can form thoughts and opinions."
Trace exhibition is the latter one.

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