Friday, December 21, 2007

If you have been really, really bad...

For the past eight nights the Yule Lads have been steadily coming to town. Every evening the boys have been putting their shoes on the windowsill in anticipation of a little treat. Today’s Yule Lad, Skyrgámur (Skyr Gobbler) brought pencils to them. If you remember children are supposed to put a shoe on a windowsill and those who have been good through the year, will find a treat there in the morning, but those who have been bad, will find a potato instead.

Anton came up with a modern addition to this custom:
"If you were bad the Yule Lads will bring you a potato, but if you were really, really bad they will bring you toxic toys from China."

We still have some Yule Lads to come…

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