Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Good News

I have a bad news and a good news. Actually, I have two good news. I got an official permission to make photos at the museum's exhibition. It means that I don't need nervously hide my camera anymore and can concentrate on finding the most intersting images instead.

The second news is even better - a revised and updated Roget's International Thesaurus arrived in the mail. Peter Roget published his first "Thesaurus" in 1852 and with it a brand new principle of grouping words according to ideas. If you know a word but not sure of its meaning, you will use a dictionary. But if you have an idea but do not know, or cannot remember, the word of phrase that express it best, which often a case with me, you will be better off to use a thesaurus. For example, if I search for a word to describe a certain art technique, I will go to a visual art category and scan down the entry. It will bring me to "etching and engraving" with little 713.2 number nearby. I will follow the trace and find an array of words connected with this technique, including types of engraving. If I would hunt for a specific word to capture some sound, I can browse between "repeated sounds", "explosive noise", "sibilation", "animal sound" and so on and so far. I am thrilled and cannot stop flipping through the pages.

It is so interesting to explore all the entries that there is a danger of forgetting what you were looking for in the first place. My favourite word for today will be "pulchritudinous" - a long lost acquaintance, that was unearthed today in the evening.

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